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The Assessment
What will an assessment involve and how could it help?

What happens in an assessment?

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Image by Debby Hudson

A full diagnostic assessment by a suitably qualified assessor is the only way to confirm dyslexia.

An assessment allows for a more detailed investigation into your child's learning profile.  It also helps to identify any potential barriers to learning they are experiencing but also the best ways to support them to overcome these barriers.

Before the assessment discussions will take place either by phone or email and you will be given a questionnaire to complete. These are a vital part of the assessment process.


I will work alongside your child using a range of assessments to explore their:

  • Reading and writing abilities including spelling

  • Language development and vocabulary

  • Reasoning

  • Memory

  • Speed of processing information

  • Approaches to learning


The assessment itself will take in the region of 2 hours. It may be longer especially if your child requires frequent breaks. It is really important therefore, that you feel your child is able to cope with the demands a lengthy assessment may place upon them-especially in terms of reading and writing. It is for this reason that I will only offer to assess children over the age of 7 years. To be assessed your child will also need to have continuously lived in an English-speaking country and to have regularly been speaking English for a minimum of 7 years. This is because the tests used are heavily influenced by an English-speaking culture. In addition the individual needs to be able to speak, read write and spell in English.

The information gained from these assessments will be used alongside additional information provided by you and if possible your child's school to inform the written report which follows the assessment.

What will be in the report?

The report- which is often over 30 pages in length, will provide a very detailed description of how your child completed each assessment and the score they achieved for each.

Any background information will also be included as this provides helpful context for the assessment.

There will be a section describing implications for the classroom and suggested strategies and recommendations for supporting your child both at school and at home. 

It will provide evidence of the individual's dyslexia profile IF THE INDIVIDUAL IS CONFIRMED AS HAVING DYSLEXIA. It may signpost to other organisations or for further assessments (if required).

Due to the complex nature of dyslexia, a full diagnostic report is often a long and quite technical document. The format of the report you will receive is one approved by The Specific Learning Difficulties Standards Assessment Committee (SASC) which is a standards setting group promoting good practice and standards for assessors such as myself. It provides guidance on the use of appropriate tests and the careful interpretation of assessment test results which means you can have confidence that the report you receive will be both robust and of high quality.

Recommendations for support going forwards will be made that should be helpful to your child's school and there will also be a section of strategies for helping your child at home. 

If your child's profile is one showing dyslexia this will be clearly stated.

Image by Wadi Lissa
Image by Redd F
Image by Sigmund

Why have a diagnostic assessment?

Image by Kimberly Farmer
Image by Anton Sukhinov
Image by Thought Catalog

The most common reason people seek a formal assessment of dyslxia is because they want to know why they are finding learning at school much more difficult than their peers. Often, having a reason can help to reduce the frustration and anxiety around learning that can build up.

In addition, a diagnostic report which identifies a profile of dyslexia can be used to:

  • Give you a clearer picture of your child's learning strength's and weaknesses.

  • Help inform those working with your child as it will clarify strengths and weaknesses and recommend ways to overcome barriers to learning.

  • Apply for funded support at University known as Disabled Students' Allowance. 

The assessment process

School Children
Image by Element5 Digital
Image by Anton Sukhinov

If you now feel that a full diagnostic assessment by a suitably qualified assessor could help your child here is how the process will work.

Email me and tell me a bit about your child, or call me if you prefer. Once we have agreed that an assessment could be beneficial we can then agree a mutually convenient time and date, and where the assessment will take place.


The location is important as your child will need to feel at ease and relaxed, and it will need to be quiet to aid their concentration. I have the option of hiring a room for the assessment and would stipulate that one parent only remains throughout the assessment, if the assessment is at your home, then a private, quiet space would be required- not always easy I know! Some parents may be able to enquire to see if their child's school could accommodate the assessment which has the added advantage of being a familiar space and the assessment can be completed in school time. Assessments are available through the week including the school holidays.

Once these details have been confirmed I will send you a deposit invoice for £100.00, the invoice will contain my bank details and the payment should be transferred.

7 days before the assessment I will send you a final payment invoice for £400 - this is the complete and final assessment fee. Where an assessment has been booked within 7 days I will send you an invoice for the complete amount. If I am travelling to carry out the assessment I will charge you for milage at 40 pence per mile calculated after the first 25 miles (using google maps).


The assessment will take in the region of 2 hours. It may be longer especially if your child requires frequent breaks.


It is my experience- albeit extremely rare, that if on the day the child is not willing to undertake the full suite of assessments, and the session is abandoned, then unfortunately there can be no resulting report or identification possible. If this scenario occurs I will refund 50% of the fee paid but will retain the other 50% to cover the expenses I have incurred. 


My fee includes everything mentioned in the charges section. There are no hidden fees relating to the assessment itself but please check out the FAQs relating to mileage.


To see my charges for your assessment please click here.


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